"Computer Sciences and Engineering, CSE"

"Life and Natural Sciences in a Post-crisis Period"

The postdoctoral program “Computer Science and Engineering, CSE” and “Life and Natural Sciences in the Post-Crisis Period” is offered in two modules.
1. Hybrid module, including online activities plus Research visit to one of the host universities;

This postdoctoral program in “Computer Sciences and Engineering, CSE” and “Life and Natural Sciences in a Post-crisis Period” is organized by the European Scientific Institute, ESI, in cooperation with its partner universities. It hosts PhD holders who are interested in upgrading their academic careers by working on a specific research topic in a multidisciplinary environment and the developing area of computer sciences and engineering; agriculture, astronomy, botany, zoology, ecology, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, physics, medicine, and their sub-domains.

The ESI postdoctoral program will enhance the mobility of academic staff and strengthen academic cooperation through ESI Masterclasses, work under the guidance of an academic advisor, working in research groups, research visit at one of the host Universities, guest lectures, and joint publications of research articles. It will contribute to knowledge sharing and sharing of best practices among candidates, their research advisers as well as the ESI network of experts.

Languages of the program are English and Spanish.

In times full of challenges with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the world, more than ever, needs further scientific discoveries. Every selected fellow will deal with a specific societal challenge through attending masterclasses while leaving time for guided research. The interdisciplinary cooperation of the program is provided through academic activities with researchers from different universities and academic backgrounds.

The academic output of every candidate will be published under the principles of open access and open science. The program supports the concept that scientific publications are free for usage.

ESI Schedule

"Computer Sciences and Engineering, CSE" "Life and Natural Sciences in a Post-crisis Period"

Place: Online plus Research Visit at one of the Host Universities.

Research Visit:

At least 2 weeks in Spain, Italy, or Poland (May 2025).

The University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain), University of Catania (Italy), College of Economics and Computer Science (WSEI), Krakow, Poland.

Academic Domains:

Computer sciences and engeneering; agriculture, astronomy, botany, zoology, ecology, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, physics, and their sub domains.

Start: 01 October 2024 End: 01 November 2025

Program Activities and Structure

For the online module activities press here.

The training program consists of three (3) semesters and will be held mainly online.
During the 1st semester, the candidate will have meetings with the research group selected by the organizer. Meetings with the research adviser(s) will also be held online and every semester. During this semester, a short course on good research practices and academic writing will be organized, where researchers will share their knowledge and discuss the recent developments in the area of academic publishing. The candidate will also attend the ESI masterclasses and workshops delivered by the ESI network of experts.

During the 2nd semester, the candidate will work on the data mining through surveys or/and interviews in order to provide a dataset for the research. The candidate may also become part of the organizing committees of the ESI academic conference or forum. During this semester, the candidate visits the Host University and works on a joint research article or a book chapter together with the research adviser(s) and the members of the working group. If more candidates are working on the same or similar topic at the same Host University, they can organize meetings and workshops as well as joint research analysis and activities. 

In the 3rd semester, the candidate is involved in preparing the research proposal and writing the working paper. If chosen and approved by the organizer, the candidate can complete the research visit during the 3rd semester of the program. The process is followed by discussion in the research group, the program group of experts, and guidance by the research adviser(s). During the last semester, the candidate presents the final version of the paper at online or in-person conferences and submits the paper for publication.

ESI Program Organizer

The European Scientific Institute, ESI, is in charge of the full logistics and communication with the applicants and candidates during the program.

The ESI will provide an adequate group of experts in various fields who will not only deliver their lectures for the program`s purposes but will also be available for advice and opinions.

The organizer shall provide free participation of the candidates to the suggested list of international academic conferences and workshops.

The organizer shall suggest open access academic journals for publication of the academic output of each candidate.

Upon agreement with the Host Universities, the organizer will provide access to libraries and databases.

Together with the program director at the Host University, the organizer will provide the necessary information and assist the candidate with documents for visa application (if required).

Research Advisers

The research adviser is a Professor at one of the Host University Departments or a member of the ESI group of experts. The research adviser monitors the academic activities of the candidate by providing suggestions regarding the research methods and preparation of the working paper. He or she may also participate in the research activities and be enlisted as a co-author of the academic output of the candidate.

The Host University and the Organizer of the program, taking into consideration the research topic and the availability of the researchers at a given moment, select the research adviser(s) for each candidate.

The Organizer may also suggest to the candidate to cooperate with other research advisers.


Certificate for successful completion of the ESI postdoctoral training Computer Sciences and Engineering, CSE” and

“Life and Natural Sciences in a Post-crisis Period” will be awarded to the candidate after completing the 3rd semester.

The European Scientific Institute, ESI, will issue the certificate.

Depending on the host University, some certificates will also contain the host university logo. However, in any case, the host university will issue a confirmation for the research stay and academic activities of the candidate.

– Additional documents which describe the concrete academic activities of the candidate will be issued.

ESI Masterclass

In the past 10 years, the European Scientific Institute, ESI, has created a wide network of experts from different universities worldwide covering various academic domains. For the purpose of the program, every month, ESI will invite an experienced Professor who will deliver an online or in-person lecture on a cutting-edge topic. The program aims to invite scholars who address topical issues from a multi or interdisciplinary perspective. The aim of these lectures is to promote intellectual curiosity on the various ways we can study human societies. Hence, speakers are not expected to directly talk about the topics of any particular candidate, but they should be a source of inspiration and widen one’s intellectual horizons.

ESI Working Groups

ESI research groups are organized on a multidisciplinary basis to bring together Fellows from different disciplines working on a similar range of issues. The groups will meet regularly during the duration of the training. The regular meetings of the groups will consist of presentations of the work in progress and the discussion of more general research issues, such as the reading of key or recent works related to the group’s theme. 

ESI Annual Conference

Each year, the program hosts one major conference organized at one of the Host Universities or Online. One aspect of the conference will be focused on research funding and in writing grant proposals. However, the other focus of this conference will be virtual or in person meeting with the other ESI fellows, presentation of the research activities to each other, and discussion of potential cooperation.

Working Papers

A compulsory part of the training for every candidate is creating a Working paper. The working paper should be in the format of a scientific article or a book chapter. It should be prepared and ready for submission. This working paper will be posted at one of the Host University repositories or in a preprint repository and ready to be submitted for publication. However, when a candidate is not motivated to make the content public, he/she should contact the organizer of the program explaining the reasons for the exception.

Research Visit

During the second semester of the program, each candidate will visit one of the Host Universities. The minimum period of the research stay is 2 weeks. The host University will offer its amenities and other services whenever possible. Each candidate will choose one of the following Host Universities for the Research Stay:

ESI Training 2024/2025 Host Institutions

The candidate will be attached to one of the Host University Departments. Depending on the accepted topic and the availability of the academic staff, the Host University will suggest one or more researchers who will work closely with the candidate in the course of the program.

The candidate will complete a research visit at one of the Host Universities within a period of at least 2 weeks. The research visit will be organized in line with the COVID-19 protocols.

Upon mutual agreement, the candidate may be offered to deliver lectures for the students at the Host institution. However, the Host Institution is not obliged to make any payments to the candidate for his/her academic activities.

University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
College of Economics and Computer Science (WSEI), Krakow, Poland
Univrsity of Catania, Italy
Roma Tre University, Italy
Roma Tre University, Italy

Application, Scholarship/Participation Fee

Application Deadline:

1 September 2024 (12h. Madrid time)


The ESI postdoctoral training program accepts applications from PhD holders regardless of their nationality or experience at academia or outside. Potential candidates should provide:

Language Certificates

Applicants who are not native language speakers should provide a language certificate. For English language, international certificates are acceptable: Cambridge, TOEFL, and IELTS. However, if the candidate fails to provide a certificate, the language assessment will be part of the online interview after the application.

Scholarship/Participation Fee

We encourage you to apply for funding from your university or international funds. However, the long-term objective of this training program is to obtain funding for covering the operating costs thus providing full scholarship for each accepted candidate. For the time being the following options are offered:

Scholarships 2024/25

- Roberto Kertesz Full Scholarship

Partial Scholarship:

Regular participation fee (without scholarship):

The Participation Fee is paid at the beginning of the training program. The fee does not cover the travel and accommodation costs of the candidate nor the living expenses during the research stay.

For the online module fee please click here.

Get In Touch

ESI Postdoctoral Office:

University of Catania
Piazza Università, 2, 95124 Catania CT

ESI Program Directors

European Scientific Institute, ESI

European Scientific Institute, ESI

ESI Program Directors at host institution:

Dr. Giovanni li Volti

Dr. Giovanni li Volti

University of Catania, Italy
Dr. Przemyslaw Stac

Dr. Przemyslaw Stac

College of Economics and Computer Science (WSEI), Poland

Dr. Przemysław Stac holds a Economics in the field of Management Science (Cracow University of Economics), and a master’s degree in American Studies (American Studies Center, University of Warsaw).
He is an academician with over 20 years of experience in teaching and scholarly research. Authored over 30 scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he has a permanent teaching position at the College of Economics and Computer Science in Cracow, Poland, where has also been Vice-rector for International Cooperation and Development since 2018.
His past academic responsibilities included Head of Marketing Department, Assistant Dean (acting Dean), Head of Postgraduate Studies, Head of International Cooperation Office, Organization-wide quality coordinator.
He worked for many institutions of higher education institutions in Poland and abroad. Lectured in Germany, Denmark, Kazakhstan. and the UAE.
Outside academia, he has been an active management consultant with a consulting company specializing in improvement and turnaround projects in mostly healthcare, chemical, IT industries., His field of expertise is change and performance management, and organization design and behavior. He has been involved in consulting projects in healthcare, IT, chemical, pharmaceutical, HoReCa, R&D, and automotive industries.

Dr. Carlos Efren Mora

Dr. Carlos Efren Mora

University of La Laguna, Spain
Dr. David Perez Jorge

Dr. David Perez Jorge

University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

ESI Fellows (March 2021-June 2022)

Indisputably, education is the basic pillar in every society. The kind of education people receives gives them a refined behavior and helps them to earn a decent living, thereby contributing constructively to the society. In today’s global world where we all face unique challenges such as global warming and new viruses, the reform of the education system is imminent especially with the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This event imposed changes in all spheres of human life including the educational system. The switch to online lectures led to different challenges in different parts of the world. Some countries face some basic issues like Internet connection and lack of computers, while others are discussing the learning strategies and are focusing on the social and psychological implications of the students and the teachers as well. This research group will discuss the current challenges the educational system is facing with focus and research on the selected subdomains.


Dr. Mary Ann Hollingsworth, University of West Alabama, USA


Dr. Intakhab Alam Khan, Saudi Arabia  
Dr. Aurela Saliaj, Albania  
Dr. Raymond Arthur Chipfakacha, Zimbabwe  

ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022


Dr. Elena Hunt, Laurentian University, Canada


Dr. Paul Kwame Butakor  
Dr. Syed Mir Muhammad Shah  
Dr. Tamar Kakutia  

ESI Program: March 2022 – June 2023


Dr. Fernando Baragan, University of La Laguna, Spain

WG Members:

Dr. Aisllan D Assis  
Dr. Shazia Hasan  
Dr. Umran Yazıcılar Nalbantoglu  
Dr. Dhurata Lamcja  
The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic opened up so many questions. Some undisputable questions which are of main concern were about finding the best strategies to deal with the virus and ensure a good health condition of the people. The lockdown during the pandemic and the closure of the borders, restaurants, cafeteria, etc. is still having a huge effect on the economies and tourism. Many small and medium businesses were not able to survive these economic turbulences imposed by the governments as a response to the virus. At the same time, many people lost or are afraid of losing their jobs. More than ever, this crisis called for global leaderships and the necessity of finding the right answers and making the right decisions. Quality Management, Innovation, and human resources management are crucial in overcoming these contemporary challenges. The uncertainty for the future raises the questions on how long the pandemic would last, what is next, and how we should deal with it? How will the economy recover in the post-COVID world? Are new economic models on the way? What is stakeholder capitalism and how should it work? How should the global leadership and decision look like? Is solidarity necessary more than ever? Hence, those are the dilemmas and questions that this research group will discuss. In addition, a topic for joint research and conclusions will be selected. Chair: Dr. Brian Sloboda, University of Maryland, USA Members:
Dr. Enriko Ceko, Albnia
Dr. Anca Tamas, Romania
Dr. Delia Rusu, Romania.
Dr. Volkan Dayan, Turkey
ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022 Chair: Dr. Monika Bolek, University of Lodz, Poland Members:
Dr. Vebina Resuli
Dr. Ilija Stojanovic
ESI Program: March 2022 – June 2023 Chair: Dr. Agata Gniadkowska-Szymańska, University of Lodz, Poland WG Members:
Dr. Ehsaneh Nejad Mohammad Nameghi
Dr. Rashid Khalil
Dr. Florin Aliu
Dr. Jorge Cea Rodríguez

The role of the state as a main actor in the international relations continues from the antique to the modern times. Despite some new trends imposed by globalization, the sovereign states are keeping the main role in the system. The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed that the state is still the main actor regardless of the globalization and the numerous international governmental and nongovernmental international organizations. However, the pandemic opened dilemmas and challenges for the diplomatic relations. We can now speak about vaccination diplomacy – a term that has not been known before. All of the states today are struggling in dealing with the pandemic challenges altogether with the traditional diplomatic issues, politics, and economy. The state as a supreme institutional organization had to deal with the pandemic and impose some restrictions that are not always so popular between its own citizens. Additionally, the institutional capacities of a concrete country are not always sufficient and the necessity of international organizations and leadership is visible. This working group will discuss these issues and a topic for joint research will be selected.


Dr. Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Israel


Dr. Muhammad Arif Rajput, Pakistan
Dr. Sila Turac Baykara, Turkey
Dr. Jorge Tenorio Fernando, Brazil
Dr. Ricardo Furfaro, Argentina
ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022


Dr.Emilia Alaverdov, Georgian Technical University, Georgia


Dr. David Andrew Omona
Dr. Andrej Semenov
Dr. Rasool Bukhsh Mirjat
ESI Program: March 2022 – June 2023


Dr. Francisco Flores, University of La Laguna

WG Members:

Dr. Katerina Toshevska-Trpchevska
Dr. Daria Voyloshnikova
Dr. Maria Maclennan
The interdisciplinary approach on gender, culture, religion, and ethics can pave the way in providing understanding of some of the important issues our contemporary societies are faced with today. The culture is a category that is very often and most notably used in combination with religion, ethics, and gender. Due to the conceptualization of culture as a social web consisting of symbolic forms based on signs of meaning, the religion and its interpretations have become a metaphor for cultural difference and furthermore symbolic boundary-making in some societies. Through this way, it shapes social action in the world, not excluding the ethics in general. This is why it entails the understanding of religion, as a distinct province of meaning that is structured by processes of social symbolization that affects the society’s view on gender, ethics, and culture in most general terms. This might be quite different in different countries and societies. However, the notion of culture and religion is receiving new dimensions and context in the world of the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is a perfect ground for a debate by opening new horizons and perspectives. Chair: Franca Daniele, “G. d’Annunzio” University, Italy, Members:
Dr. Eirini Artemi, Greece
Dr. Salwa Alinat-Abed, Israel
Dr. Dana Kaplan, Israel
  ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022 Members:
Dr. Julijana Zhabeva
Dr. Manotar Tampubolon
Dr. Dorothy Ebere Adimora
Dr. Miodraga Stefanovska – Petkovska
The sustainable development by definition meets the needs of the present generation of the world population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. Environmentally sustainable economic growth refers to economic developed society that meets the needs of all living today. Of course, it takes into the consideration the fact that there are developed countries, developing countries, and underdeveloped countries. However, the most important is that this was done without leaving future generations with fewer or less quality natural resources than those we have in today`s world. Someone can argue that sustainable development evolved as that of protecting the world’s resources while its true agenda is to control the world’s resources of today. The essence is the dual relationship between two elements, i.e., (1) the human activities in correlation to the nature of today, (2) in a way which does not diminish the prospects for future generations to enjoy a quality of life at least as good as our own. This may look like some kind of utopia but, in reality, it is the real need of our modern society. The conservation of tropical rainforests, the relations between technology and energy needs, especially of the big cites, and the concept of smart city is seen nowadays from both historical and future perspective. Chair: Dr. John B Strait, Sam Houston State University, USA Members:
Dr. Dastan Bamwesigye, Uganda
Dr. Sara Casamayor Mancisidor, Spain
Dr. Eda Ustaoglu, Turkey
ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022 Chair: Dr. Iulia Muresan, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania Members:
Dr. Satish Kumar Damodar
Dr. Hamzo Khan Tagar
Dr. Enkelejda Cenaj
ESI Program: March 2022 – June 2023 Chair: Dr. Janaka Jayawickrama, University of York, UK WG Members:
Dr. Chrysoula Kapartziani
Dr. Eda A. Genc
Dr. Nino Kharitonashvili

This interdisciplinary group is composed of academic experts in different fields such as pedagogy, feminism, and politics. It will hold meetings in Spanish language and will try to find joint interest in a specific topic setting the approach through interdisciplinary lances. This topic will be analyzed in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges it brings to our contemporary modern society with the accent of the Ibero-American countries. Also, it will combine the different academic models when conducting research and will make the most out of the different but, at the same time, very similar academic domains.


Dr. David Perez Jorge, University of La Laguna, Spain


Dr. Marcela A. País Andrade, Argentina 
Dr. Karla Judith Ruiz González, Mexico 
Dr. Norma Pizarro,Mexico 
Dr. Eliazar Gonzalez Carrillo, Mexico 
Dr. Egon Elier Montecinos, Chile 

ESI Program: October 2021 – December 2022


Dr. Eva Mateo, ULL, Spain


Dr. Julio E. Benitez Telles 
Dr. Seibo Alexise KOUAKOU IKOSSIÉ 
Dr. Favio Farinella